Chapter President: Lucia Wheele,
- If you have collected donations of new pajamas and books, please fill out the form on this page to begin the process of reporting your in-kind drive. See more details on the full process here.
- Organizations interested in becoming Pajama Partners can apply and learn more about working with Pajama Program here.
- If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers to support our mission in Arizona, please fill out this form to get started!
Follow the Arizona Chapter on Facebook!
Lucia Wheele, Arizona Chapter President, lives in Phoenix with her husband, Hank. When she discovered Pajama Program, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for her to make a difference by giving back to the community. She still remembers getting her two sons ready for bed, and the clean smell and soft touch of their pajamas as they sat in her lap while she read to them. “To think that there are children in this world who are denied this basic, simple necessity in life moved me to volunteer locally.”