Local Chapters


Janet Estevez-Filardi and Gerry Woods, Chapter Co-Presidents

Chapter Co-President: Janet Estevez-Filardi, janete@pajamaprogram.org

Chapter Co-President: Gerry Woods, gerry@pajamaprogram.org

  • If you have collected donations of new pajamas and books, please fill out the form on this page to begin the process of reporting your in-kind drive. See more details on the full process here.
  • Organizations interested in becoming Pajama Partners can apply and learn more about working with Pajama Program here.
  • If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers to support our mission in Connecticut, please fill out this form to get started!

Janet Estevez-Filardi, Connecticut Chapter Co-President, searched for years to find an organization focused on helping children where she could volunteer. When she was invited to a Pajama Program Awards Luncheon she immediately knew it was the organization she seeking. Janet is grateful for this unique opportunity to serve her community.

Gerry Woods, Connecticut Chapter Co-President, is inspired by children. As a retired elementary school teacher, she knew that she wanted to continue to work with children. She first heard about Pajama Program when the founder, Genevieve Piturro, was a guest on the Oprah Show. As she listened to her story, she was amazed and fascinated by Genevieve’s love and devotion to children. Gerry is proud that she has been able to collect and distribute many pajamas and books to children in her area.