Local Chapters


Anna McKinney, Chapter President

Chapter President: Anna McKinney, annam@pajamaprogram.org

  • If you have collected donations of new pajamas and books, please fill out the form on this page to begin the process of reporting your in-kind drive. See more details on the full process here.
  • Organizations interested in becoming Pajama Partners can apply and learn more about working with Pajama Program here.
  • If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers to support our mission in Washington, please fill out this form to get started!

Anna McKinney, Washington Chapter President, moved to her current city of Olympia, WA in May 2019 to be near her daughter and her family. She lived in Illinois for over 40 years raising her two children and retired from the USPS as a mail carrier in 2011.  While in Illinois, she volunteered at a women’s shelter. In 2018 while living in Indiana, she volunteered and served on the board of the Brown Bagger School Food Program, where they supplied nutritional meals on weekends for food insecure children of the county.

In 2019, after moving to Olympia, Anna became a member of the Women’s Club and is now the Educational and Library Committee Chairperson, and shortly thereafter joined Pajama Program.