Local Chapters


Rebecca Nilson, Chapter President

Chapter President: Rebecca Nilson, rebecca@pajamaprogram.org

  • If you have collected donations of new pajamas and books, please fill out the form on this page to begin the process of reporting your in-kind drive. See more details on the full process here.
  • Organizations interested in becoming Community Partners can apply and learn more about working with Pajama Program here.
  • If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers to support our mission in Tennessee, please fill out this form to get started!

Rebecca Nilson, Tennessee Chapter President, lives in Tennessee with her husband and two children. She works in finance and participates in many non-profits that mirror her beliefs, including Pajama Program.

Rebecca was seeking an organization she felt passionate about that her children could also participate in when she read about Pajama Program in theSkimm. The bedtime routine she has with her children is one of her favorite parts of the day. It is their time to snuggle in comfy pajamas, listen, and expand their world and knowledge through stories.