Local Chapters


Multiple Regional Chapters

Austin | Houston | Dallas-Fort Worth | El Paso | San Antonio | Amarillo

Prospective volunteers interested in any chapter, please note:

  • If you have collected donations of new pajamas and books, please fill out the form on this page to begin the process of reporting your in-kind drive. See more details on the full process here.
  • Organizations interested in becoming Community Partners can apply and learn more about working with Pajama Program here.
  • If you are interested in joining our team of volunteers to support our mission in Texas, please fill out this form to get started!

Austin Chapter

Chapter President: Carrie Deloach, carried@pajamaprogram.org

Carrie Deloach, Austin Chapter President, previously worked as an attorney for 8 years, including working with children in the juvenile division of the district attorney’s office.  Then went on to raise two sons who are now in college.  She began volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse (Operation Christmas Child) a few years ago.  A friend in that organization told her about Pajama Program. She is a lifelong avid reader, who loves children and enjoys a good pair of pajamas, so it was a good match.

Chapter Co-President: Susan Malone, susan@pajamaprogram.org

Susan Malone, Austin Chapter Co-President, lives in Austin with her husband and two daughters. After her first daughter was born, she saw our founder, Genevieve Piturro, on The Oprah Show. She had just left her corporate job to stay home with her daughter, and knew she wanted to give back to something she believed in. For years, she held outdoor movie nights with her neighbors and the “admission fee” was a pair of pajamas.

Houston Chapter

We are seeking a volunteer Chapter President for the Houston, Texas Chapter. Please fill out this form if you are interested.

Pajama Program donations in Houston, Texas are currently managed through the National Office.

Please see the note at the top of the page if you have donations, are interested in becoming a Community Partner in this area, or are interested in volunteering to support this chapter.

Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter

We are seeking a volunteer Chapter President for the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas Chapter. Please fill out this form if you are interested.

Pajama Program donations in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas are currently managed through the National Office.

Please see the note at the top of the page if you have donations, are interested in becoming a Community Partner in this area, or are interested in volunteering to support this chapter.

El Paso Chapter

We are seeking a volunteer Chapter President for the El Paso, Texas Chapter. Please fill out this form if you are interested.

Pajama Program donations in El Paso, Texas are currently managed through the National Office.

Please see the note at the top of the page if you have donations, are interested in becoming a Community Partner in this area, or are interested in volunteering to support this chapter.

San Antonio Chapter

We are seeking a volunteer Chapter President for the San Antonio, Texas Chapter. Please fill out this form if you are interested.

Pajama Program donations in San Antonio, Texas are currently managed through the National Office.

Please see the note at the top of the page if you have donations, are interested in becoming a Community Partner in this area, or are interested in volunteering to support this chapter.

Amarillo Chapter

We are seeking a volunteer Chapter President for the Amarillo, Texas Chapter. Please fill out this form if you are interested.

Pajama Program donations in Amarillo, Texas are currently managed through the National Office.

Please see the note at the top of the page if you have donations, are interested in becoming a Community Partner in this area, or are interested in volunteering to support this chapter.