Leave the nighttime activity to the PJ Masks and help your little ones maintain their comforting bedtime routines through the summer! Pajama Program’s Good Night Advisory Council teamed up with our friends from PJ Masks to create a summer bedtime tip sheet. Download a printable PDF here.

1. Summer Heroes have routines!
Maintain consistent bedtimes and wake times throughout the summer. Children thrive on predictable schedules. Keeping a regular sleep and wake schedule will also make the back-to-school transition easier.

2. Summer Heroes are active during the day!
Get outside for some fresh air and exercise during the day. Outdoor time helps keep body clocks on track, and daytime exercise can make it easier to fall asleep and get better quality sleep at night.

3. Summer Heroes turn off screens before bed!
Keep bedtime screen-free. Electronics give off blue light and noise that may keep children awake. Turn off all screens 30-60 minutes before bed.

4. Summer Heroes stay “cool”!
Create a cool, dark, and quiet sleep environment. Try light pajamas, fewer blankets, and a fan to stay cool. Heavy curtains and a screen-free space help keep it dark during the extended daylight hours of summer. White noise or soft music can cover indoor and outdoor sounds.

5. Summer Heroes wind down in the evening!
Plan to begin relaxing bedtime routine activities (like reading, coloring, bathing, and brushing teeth) 30-60 minutes before bedtime to wind down.

6. Summer Heroes are ready for back to school!
If sleep and wake schedules do shift later during the summer, making small changes over several days will help transition your child back to school. Try moving bedtime and wake time earlier by 15 minutes every other day instead of making a big change at once.