Bright Horizons Partners With Pajama Program to Bring Comfort to Children During Pandemic

Bright Horizons Partners With Pajama Program to Bring Comfort to Children During Pandemic

pajama day

May 21, 2020 – Bright Horizons is proud to partner with Pajama Program, a national nonprofit organization that promotes and supports a comforting bedtime routine to help children thrive. Pajama Program has stepped up during this tough time by providing cozy pajamas and comforting books for each child enrolled at our Bright Horizons #FirstResponderFirst child care centers, which have remained open during the coronavirus pandemic to care for the children of essential health care workers.

On Thursday, May 21st, our #FirstRespondersFirst centers across the country hosted a Pajama Party, where children wore their new pajamas and enjoyed activities like puzzle building, playing games, dancing and more.

Every night in America, too many children go to sleep uncertain of what tomorrow will bring, compromising their health, school performance, and emotional well-being. A comforting bedtime routine helps children get the sleep they need—sleep that is as essential as proper nutrition and exercise to help children learn and grow.

The COVID-19 pandemic has elevated the stress and pressure facing parents and caregivers to a whole new level. With parents working at home and schools closed, daily routines often seem impossible. Pajama Program’s mission to promote and support a comforting bedtime routine for all children is more critical than ever in this widespread uncertainty.

Help us support good nights for good days for all children, everywhere.